Member Event: Ice Harvest

Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm 347 Quiet Valley Rd, Stroudsburg, PA, United States

Join us for a winter tradition at Quiet Valley! Help harvest ice from our pond to store for use during warmer months. Clear snow, cut ice blocks, and move them to the icehouse for preservation in sawdust. Warm up by fire pits, enjoy hot chocolate, and experience winter farm life in action. Dress warmly and […]

Members Only: Maple Sugaring

Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm 347 Quiet Valley Rd, Stroudsburg, PA, United States

Maple Sugaring Day is a special members-only event that gives Quiet Valley’s members a chance to participate in a unique experience.  Along with seeing the maple syrup getting made they get a chance to sample pancakes with our homemade syrup, eggs boiled in sap, and potatoes cooked in a Dutch oven over the flames. To […]

Annual Membership Meeting and Potluck–Members Only Event

Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm 347 Quiet Valley Rd, Stroudsburg, PA, United States

It is that time of year again! We will hold our Annual Membership Meeting and Potluck.  It will be held on May 4, 2024, beginning at 1:30 PM.  There will also be great food, a silent auction, presentations, and a chance to learn about the goings on at the Farm. Members can pre-order their tickets […]
