Special Preschool Washday Program (Ages 3-6)

Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm 347 Quiet Valley Rd, Stroudsburg, PA, United States

Join Miss Jillian for a special summer Pre-School offering! During this one-day class, participants ages 3-6 will learn all about wash day on an 1800s farm. There will be storytime, wash tubs to play in, and plenty of good "clean" fun! We will offer both an AM and a PM session for this special presentation. […]


Sweet as a Pollinator (Family Program)

Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm 347 Quiet Valley Rd, Stroudsburg, PA, United States

Our new family programming is aimed at ages 4-10 and focuses on the traditions and workings of our 1800s Pennsylvania German family farm. Each two-hour presentation will consist of an exploration of the day’s topic with visits to the historic buildings, stories, and activities. Following the program, participants can receive half off same-day admission to […]


Bread and Butter (Family Program)

Families are invited to join us for this unique family program, to learn about what goes into bread, from the wheat plant to a freshly baked loaf! We’ll start with a story to learn about the process of wheat to flour, then each participant will make a loaf of miniature bread to bake in our […]