Getting Acquainted with Quiet Valley’s Farm Animal Friends

Today was my first day learning how to feed the animals here at Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm.  There is a wide range of animals here at the farm including: pigs, horses, a mule, turkeys, rabbits, pigs, goats, and sheep. This time of year, in the winter, the feeding goes pretty quickly and easily.  The animals are mostly in the 1850s bank barn, the chicken coop, and the pig barn.  (During the summer, the animals are all spread out across the farm.)

The day started in the barn feeding the horses, pig, turkeys, geese, Lily the goat, and the rabbits. The turkeys were the only ones who didn’t seem much interested in food.  They preferred perching in the window and showing off their tail feathers.  Did you know pigs drool in anticipation of food? Apparently they do.

The most exciting thing that happened other than a few slips and spills on the icy ground was when we were feeding the rabbits.  We opened the rabbit cages to change out their food and water.  Normally the rabbits think nothing of it but today one developed an unusual idea.  One of the rabbits is a big, white one like the kind from Alice in Wonderland sans waistcoat and pocket watch. She looked at that open pen and saw an opportunity, the new person.  She sprung over the edge of her cage like a graceless pole vaulter (or someone planning a painful belly flop in a pool). Dumbstruck, all I can think of is ‘the rabbit escaped’. Will she bolt and get out of the barn. She, I assume, thinks it too as she rests on the floor under her pen.  In an attempt for a quick recovery, I scoop her up.  Immediately, my thoughts change to ‘Goodness she’s heavy,’ before putting her back in her cage. We had a moment as she watched me go to get her food.  As much as she seemed to relish that brief moment of flight, we both agreed her pole vaulting career was over.

This blog is written to help visitors fall in love with the farm.  This post was written by Kat Muller the new administrator about her experiences as she learns about the farm.