Volunteer Costume Sewing Day

Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm 347 Quiet Valley Rd, Stroudsburg, PA, United States

The purpose of this workshop is to assist volunteers in creating their own period dress for volunteering at Quiet Valley. This workshop will focus on the early period (1820s) costume and is appropriate for most volunteer opportunities at Quiet Valley. Participants will provide all their own materials (see list below). If you have your own […]


Victorian Tea Party (Parent and Child)

Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm 347 Quiet Valley Rd, Stroudsburg, PA, United States

Join us for a Victorian Tea Party! Come dressed in your best, enjoy traditional finger foods, and learn to host your own tea party with lessons in etiquette. After tea, have fun playing a parlor game and start a craft to take home. This program is intended for parent(s) with child(ren) ages 6-12. Allergy-friendly food […]


Easter Tea

Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm 347 Quiet Valley Rd, Stroudsburg, PA, United States

Join us for an Easter tea to celebrate Spring! Enjoy a Victorian tea party with fresh baked cookies, scones, cakes, tea sandwiches, lemonade, and hot teas. Learn a little about Victorian Etiquette, the steps to hosting your own tea party, and tea party fashion. Guests are encouraged to come dressed in their "Victorian Best." Date: […]


1890s Cooking Demonstration

Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm 347 Quiet Valley Rd, Stroudsburg, PA, United States

Join us as we fire up our 1890s wood cook stove and try out some of Emma's kitchen gadgets. You might even get to join us for an afternoon snack! Date: Friday, August 18th Time: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm Fee: Included with tour admission

Fiber Arts Day

Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm 347 Quiet Valley Rd, Stroudsburg, PA, United States

Come to the farm and learn about the multitude of natural fibers such as cotton, silk, etc. that are available for everything from spinning yarn for clothing to the even finer skills involved in creating fiber arts. Date: Tuesday June 18th Time: 10:00am – 3:30pm Fee: Included with tour admission Instructor: Linda Verwey

Woven Cane and Shaker Tape Seat Weaving

Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm 347 Quiet Valley Rd, Stroudsburg, PA, United States

  Date: Tuesday June 25th Time: 10:00am – 3:30pm Fee: Included with tour admission Instructor: Ceal Yost

Rye Straw Crafts Day

Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm 347 Quiet Valley Rd, Stroudsburg, PA, United States

Rye straw is a practical material for storage baskets because it discourages rodents and other pests. In the hands of a craftsman, it also makes beautiful baskets as well as hats. A bee skep is another item that for many years was commonly made out of straw. Instructor: H. Forsman Date: Thursday June 27th Time: […]

Ice Cream Social

Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm 347 Quiet Valley Rd, Stroudsburg, PA, United States

Celebrate Fourth of July with homemade ice cream on the farm! Learn how ice cream would have been made on a rural from in the 1890s. It only takes a little hand cranking to get a sweet treat. Date: Thursday, July 4th Time: 10:00am – 3:30pm Fee: Included with tour admission

Sauerkraut Making Day

Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm 347 Quiet Valley Rd, Stroudsburg, PA, United States

Sauerkraut was an important staple in the early Pennsylvania German diet and a source of vital nutrients. See a special demonstration on sauerkraut preparation. Date: Friday, July 12th Time: 10:00 am – 3:30 pm Fee: Included with tour admission

Rope Making

Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm 347 Quiet Valley Rd, Stroudsburg, PA, United States

Learn how rope was made in the 1800s. A simple-seeming but important item on any farm and traditionally made from hemp, the rope was used for many different tasks. At one time in the United States, a farmer was expected to have a certain amount of his crop in hemp as it was needed to […]

Spinning & Weaving Day

Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm 347 Quiet Valley Rd, Stroudsburg, PA, United States

For centuries spinning and weaving was a necessary activity for every family member. Preparation of the fiber, the spinning of thread or yarn and weaving of cloth were essential skills for the housewife. In early America much of a woman’s time was spent on this labor-intensive task. We will be demonstrating the spinning of wool […]

Flax & Linen Day

Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm 347 Quiet Valley Rd, Stroudsburg, PA, United States

Flax (Linum usitatissimum), also known as common flax, is a member of the genus Linum in the family Linaceae. It is a food and fiber crop cultivated in cooler regions of the world. The textiles made from flax are known in the Western countries as linen, and traditionally used for bed sheets, underclothes, and table […]