Cheese Making

Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm 347 Quiet Valley Rd, Stroudsburg, PA, United States

Farmer’s Cheese is a dairy product, an unripened cheese made by adding rennet and bacterial starter to coagulate and acidify milk. Farmer cheese may be made from the milk of cows, sheep or goats, with each giving its own texture and flavor. During coagulation the mixture separates into curds (solid) and whey (liquid), then the […]

One Room School

Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm 347 Quiet Valley Rd, Stroudsburg, PA, United States

The schoolmarm will be holding class in the One-Room School. Participate as “students” and see how your grandparents learned their three Rs (reading, writing & arithmetic) with all grades (1st through 8th) in one room. Date: Thursday, August 15th Time: 10:00am – 3:30pm Fee: Included with tour admission Instructor: Bonnie Scott This is a special […]

Barn Dance

Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm 347 Quiet Valley Rd, Stroudsburg, PA, United States

  Help us close our Summer Season with an Old Fashioned Barn Dance! Join us for a night of dancing! Whether you bring your own dinner or choose one of our catered options, the atmosphere of live traditional music and a picturesque setting will transport you back to a simpler time. After dinner, the dancing […]

$10 – $22

Farmhouse Dinner

Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm 347 Quiet Valley Rd, Stroudsburg, PA, United States

Join us for a unique fundraising dinner on the farm! Enjoy a meal cooked in the hearth served by candlelight in the Farmhouse. We'll begin with appetizers in the Cellar Kitchen, where you can see how your food is being cooked. Then you'll be seated throughout the farmhouse and served a traditional meal. This fundraiser […]


Market Basket Workshop

Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm 347 Quiet Valley Rd, Stroudsburg, PA, United States

Create your very own continuous weave market basket! This basket measures approximately 10"x14"x7". Join us to learn how to make this very traditional basket perfect for farmer's market trips or toting things just about anywhere. Participants should bring: an old towel, scissors, a small regular screw driver, water, and lunch. This project will take most […]


Friends of Quiet Valley Annual Holiday Workshop

Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm 347 Quiet Valley Rd, Stroudsburg, PA, United States

Looking for something to jump-start your holiday season? Get in the spirit by joining a workshop where you will make a craft and enjoy a homemade lunch of soup, bread, and dessert! Check in and refreshments from 9:00-9:30, classes begin at 9:30. Register online here or call the office at 570-992-6161. Quiet Valley Members, check […]

Christmas on the Farm Homeschool Program (Second Offering)

Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm 347 Quiet Valley Rd, Stroudsburg, PA, United States

How did different cultures celebrate Christmas in the past? Make a traditional Christmas craft and try recipes from different cultures to learn about the customs and traditions that made up Christmas in Colonial America. All participants aged five and older (including adults) must purchase a ticket. At least one paying adult must attend per family. […]


Fingerless Mitten Knitting Workshop

Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm 347 Quiet Valley Rd, Stroudsburg, PA, United States

Join us in making your own pair of knit wool fingerless mitts with a fleece lining! This is an advanced beginner class, so participants should know basic knitting skills such as cast on, knit, purl, and cast off. This is a two-day workshop. On day one, we’ll learn to follow a pattern for flat-knit fingerless […]


Backpack Basket Workshop

Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm 347 Quiet Valley Rd, Stroudsburg, PA, United States

Just in time to use this spring! Make a lovely, useful backpack basket for yourself or to give as a special gift! The finished basket is roughly 12"x11"x12". All materials to make the basket are provided. Helpful supplies to bring: spring clothespins, old towel, clippers or scissors, flat head screwdriver, tape measure. Ages: 15 and […]
